22 Apr Down But Not Out – Tony’s Tips Video
This week was an exciting creative ride as it was World Creativity and Innovation Week. I met so many people and learned a number of new things. I may write more about that later, but for today I’ve got a little video about what you can do when negative feelings start to feel overwhelming.
After inserting the video into this post, I saw how the YouTube image stabilization feature worked. While the image is slightly more smooth than the original, it caused some strange distortion – which I think is fitting for this post! Enjoy.
Back to the content. It’s simple. If you are feeling doomed, change your environment. Get
outside, go for a walk, or treat yourself to a nice coffee or meal. While this might not be a permanent solution to your problem, it might offer you some instant relief. And if this little blog post helps cheer even one person up once, it will have been worth the time it took to create it.
Once you change your environment, it will be easier to snap out of that nasty mood…
And this will allow you to get back to being the fantastic Self that you know you are. (even if you hide it every once in a while)