CalgaryHello and welcome #30LESSONSFROM30S

I’m in the home stretch now having created 25 videos about learning lessons from my 30s in each of the last 25 days. This project was inspired by another professional speaker who is a few years ahead of me in the field. He challenged me to use more video in my business.

As a bit of an extreme character and fun-fanatic, I decided to indeed get more video on my profile by creating a new video in a new location every day for the #LAST30DAYSOF30s. I’m just days away now from turning 40 and this project is a celebration of where I am at this stage of my life both personally and professionally. The entire YouTube playlist can be found HERE.

I hope that you enjoy these short videos and that you learn a thing or two along the way.


Tony Esteves

Day 26 – Finish What You Start.

Way back on Day 7 of this 30 day challenge an Irish version of myself shared a message about how a great way to tackle things that you’ve been avoiding is to JUST START. And while I still agree that’s true, it’s no good if you don’t finish.

So today I offer some advice on finishing tasks. Here are a couple of great articles that explain how changing your to-do list into a “why-do” list can be helpful. This is a technique that I use in some of my workshops that has helped some of my clients so I thought it would be a good message to share towards the end of this video project. It’s a good reminder for me to finish this mammoth project.

Take a look at this great article from Psychology Today called, “Influence Yourself With a ‘Why-Do’ List”.

Thank you very much for watching.

Today’s lesson:

Finish What You Start.


Day 27 – Practice Daily Gratitude.Five Minute Journal

Learning how to practice gratitude has been a wonderful learning lesson for me in my 30s. It helps bring the things that you want into your life, into your life. I’ve found that it also allows me to get through my day more relaxed and grounded.

The best thing that I’ve found to help me maintain a regular gratitude practice has been the use of the book from FiveMinuteJournal.com. It’s available as a book or an app and is simple enough to keep the most distracted of us practicing gratitude. Enjoy!

Today’s lesson?

Practice Daily Gratitude.

Day 28 – Fly After Your Dreams.IMG_5635

Today I had the thrilling opportunity to spend some time with a friend of mine who is a pilot. When Will arrived in Canada a year and a half ago, he had done some flight training and now he is a commercial pilot. Join us in the clear skies over Cochrane, Alberta as we have a nice chat about what you need to do to fly after your dreams.

I believe that we have the power to make dreams come true, but there’s always a price that has to be paid. The real question becomes then, “Are you willing to pay that price?” It is clear that Will has been willing to pay the price necessary to accomplish this dream of his.

Thank you Will for the glorious day in the sky and for giving me control of that aircraft several times today. It was an adventure on my 30 day challenge that I know I’ll enjoy well into my 40s.

Today’s lesson:

Fly After Your Dreams.

 Day 29 – Nourish Friendships.

As this 30 day challenge winds down I have the honor of having friends visiting me from the UK, the US and Australia to celebrate the big 4-0 with me. We’ve all got the same passion for playing in the snow and months ago this seemed to be a good time to put together a trip.

It’s friendships like these that I can thank many of the greatest times of my life for. No matter what country we live in, or where we are financially or professionally – these friends amongst others – somehow seem to come together for special occasions. It’s wonderful. Do we all get to all of the events? Of course not. But we all care enough about each other and the shared experiences that we’ve enjoyed while traveling or working abroad, that we feel it’s worthwhile to keep in contact.

Nourishing friendships does not mean that you need to remember every birthday or call once a week. It just means that you put genuine effort into keeping in touch with those who you care about the most.

I’ve been rewarded with some wonderful friendships that I expect will last my next 40 years and I hope that you have friendships like this as well.

Today’s lesson:

Nourish Friendships.

 Day 30 – The Final Day…

The message that I’ll share here will come soon. I’m writing a brief note here as I know that tomorrow presents the most challenging agenda yet in order for me to create, edit, and post a video. For tomorrow is the beginning of my snowboarding birthday trip and we will be at Lake Louise by 9am.

I’m not certain that by the time we get to Revelstoke, BC tomorrow night I’ll have WiFi or the energy to conclude and summarize my thougths about this project here.

So while I am certain that I will have a video on my YouTube channel tomorrow night, yet I’m not certain I’ll post anything here, I’ll just say that it’s been an absolute exhausting and wonderful pleasure to create these videos this month.

Now let’s get out and play and see what this beautiful decade holds…


Tony Esteves

Day 30 February 5th, 2015 – Love Life

It’s 1:28am and I’ve now finished my 30 day challenge! I have successfully posted a new brief video to my website every day consecutively for the past 30 days. And I’m proud of myself!

I’ll likely write more here next week, but for now I must just say that it’s been a pleasure and I greatly appreciate you coming along for the ride. Maybe you will take on a 30 day challenge and let me know how it goes…

If any of these videos have had an impact on you, please let me know.

Today’s lesson started off with a theme around boundaries, evolved into authenticity and ended with some thanks to one of my creators.

I hope that you enjoy.

Today’s lesson:

Love Life!


  • Days 1 – 5 please click HERE.
  • Days 6 – 10 please click HERE.
  • Days 11 – 15 please click HERE.
  • Days 16 – 20 please click HERE.
  • Days 21 – 25 please click HERE.
  • Days 26 – 30 please click HERE.