17 Oct The Light The Night Walk – Talk2MorePeople Day 186
The Light The Night Walk – Talk2MorePeople Day 186
On my way downtown to see a show, I came across hundreds of people walking with lanterns along the Bow River tonight in Calgary. It was beautiful.
I stopped and asked Lindsey what this was all about and she explained to me that this was The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada’s “Light The Night Walk” for Calgary. This walk happens in several cities on this day in Canada and on other dates around the world.
The purpose of it is to raise awareness and funding for all types of blood cancer for the more than 110,000 Canadians affected. Lindsey works for the LLSC here in Calgary and even though shutting down a tent when we met, she took the time time to explain a great deal about the event and the organization to me. This event helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars.
If you saw one of these walks in Canada, the different colours had different meanings. Red were for supporters, white for patients and survivors were gold.
As I do a bunch of work with events both as a presenter / performer and on the logistics side, I might be able to support this organization sometime at a future event. We touched on this briefly when we met. Of course there is a chance that there may not be an opportunity to collaborate, and that’s completely fine as well. I love the fact that just a simple conversation can create that possibility. Not to mention that I got to learn about a wonderful event for a wonderful cause.
Unquestionably, it’s worthwhile to talk2morepeople. Thank you for your time this evening Lindsey. It was great to meet you.
Here is a piece from CTV news on the event.
And this is where you can learn more about LLSC
iOnTheBall.ca Creativity Inspiring Connections
Tony Esteves is an international speaker, facilitator and performer who brings play back into the workplace. He is a published author, a 360 videographer and a performer with Le Cirque de la Nuit – a Calgary based circus. Tony is currently working on his social experiment called, The Talk2MorePeople Project. This project aims to prove the endless value of meeting new people. In this project Tony is meeting at least one new person a day for a year to illustrate this. Connect with Tony for a meaningful face-to-face conversation.