03 Feb A look at the Sunday Night Music Social with Tru Guy Stefan on T2MP Day 292
The Talk2MorePeople Project continues. Here is a look at the encounters on Day 292 in Calgary, Canada.
T2MP Day 292 Part 1. “Don’t take any time for granted”.
I wandered into the Hyatt hotel and in their hotel bar I approached the staff to ask them this question, “I was wondering if either of you could share any useful knowledge with me at all that has anything to do with life”. They kind of laughed as this is obviously a strange request and this is what Richelle had to say.
“Don’t take any time for granted. None at all. That’s my motto”.
Thank you for that message Richelle.
Tonight at the Sunday Night Music Social I met Susan. This woman in her 50s is absolutely full of life. Just from the get go of our conversation she started speaking about how she feels so lucky to be alive and so thankful for so many things. She was bubbling with excitement. It was wonderful to see.
She came with her niece Alecia to the event tonight. And was understandably very impressed with the musical talent that we enjoyed.
Susan has suffered some recent tragedies in her life yet she views them as gifts and I have never seen such optimism and joy in someone who has just gone through such great loss.
On a night when earlier I had been feeling pretty terrible, I am sure I was meant to hear these words from her. Our exchange lasted only a few moments but boy did they have an impact on me. She shifted me instantly out of my toxic mindset and into one of appreciation, openness and gratitude. This set me up perfectly to enjoy a beautiful evening of live music. (Check out the video with live music below).
T2MP Part 3.
On this evening I was taking the train home from the event. I was listening to some music and reflecting on the beautiful evening that it turned out to be. A homeless man who I am familiar with – because I see him often in my neighbourhood holding the gates at the train station and who I have conversed with multiple times – got on the train. He got on at City Hall station. I took my headphones out. Not because I planned on striking up a conversation but just to be more present.
At 1st St. SW Station, a fairly intoxicated young guy got on and started talking to me. He was very friendly and told me that he was on his way home from a staff party. His name was Dallas. He asked me what instrument I play and I told him that I play little guitar but I preferred to sing. He said, “I want to sing right now!”, so I said, “Start singing!” and he did. While this was happening, the homeless man hunched over started falling asleep in his seat.
As Dallas and I talked a little bit while he played some air guitar and did some singing, I felt compelled to take out some money for this homeless man. I thought about how many gifts I had received tonight from music, support and conversation from a number of people. I thought it only would be a correct exchange for me to offer something to this person in need.
I don’t have a lot of $20 bills to spare but that’s what I had in my wallet and so I gave it to him. As I was getting off the train I woke him up and said, “Hey excuse me, you dropped this”. He looked up and smiled and thanked me repeatedly. I said, “God bless. A number of people were very good to me tonight, so I just wanted to pass it on”.
We both got off the train at Sunnyside station and as he got off he said, “Thank you brother. I will pass it on too”.
This felt, REALLY good. On a day when I actually felt like sh!t most of the day and worried that I would not be able to accomplish my encounter for this challenge the above things unfolded.
This is a beautiful and mysterious life we live.
Throughout this day the people who I had the privilege of speaking with really helped me move to a much better place psychologically. I find that to be one of the greatest gifts so far along this journey.
I find it truly remarkable the gifts that we can exchange so easily through conversation with people whether we’ve known them for years, for all our lives or just a few moments. I really believe that we are given messages by these people even if sometimes it’s not what we want to hear.
So Talk2MorePeople.
Tony Esteves is an international speaker, MC, facilitator and performer who brings play back into the workplace. He is a published author, a 360 videographer and a performer with Le Cirque de la Nuit – a Calgary based circus. Tony is currently working on his 1 year social experiment called, Talk2MorePeople. This project aims to illustrate and prove the value of meeting new people. Here is what CBC Radio is saying.
Connect with Tony for a meaningful face-to-face conversation.