05 Oct 30 Days Of Meditation Challenge Days 16 – 20
30 Days Of Meditation Challenge Days 16 – 20
Here continues the #30DaysofMeditation challenge.
Day 16 a miniPong Meditation
This past weekend was a wild one in Toronto. I was brought here to assist with a miniPong exhibit. “What is that you say?” miniPong is miniature Ping-Pong and is a growing phenomenon in Toronto.
It’s been my pleasure to support a good friend and colleague, Ryan Jeans in his entrepreneurial journey at miniPong.ca. He’s had some great success with this project by bringing these “miniPong exhibits” all kinds of events large and small.
Here is a video of what that looked like. I also had the opportunity to perform which feeds my soul.
On Saturday night, we were a part of the Scotiabank Nuit Blanche contemporary art festival. It was a giant pile of fun and allowed dozens upon dozens of people to play on the miniature – glow in the dark – tables throughout the night and into the morning.
With the super busy day and night that was Saturday I unfortunately missed my meditation however got to it last night, Sunday. This 30 day challenge is stretching beyond the 30 days but I’m giving myself permission to not be perfect and flawless on this one.
Now that I’m half way through the challenge, the benefits of regular meditation have become very clear to me and I’m optimistic that by the end of the challenge I will have worked it enough into my routine that I’ll actually continue to meditate almost daily.
I did my favourite guided meditation with the help of YouTube. This session has become my “go-to” when I’m feeling too scattered / or excited to just sit on my own to quiet my mind.
Day 17 Morning Meditation
Yesterday I had a great conversation with Marsha Shandur of Yes Yes Marsha. She’s brilliant and always shares super interesting resources and ideas. There were two things that stood out to me in particular from this recent chat. She gave me some more news about her experience at the World Domination Summit (which sounds amazing) and a suggestion that she offered around her routine of waking up.
I used to be in the habit of actively practicing gratitude every morning before starting the day but have recently been slipping on it. Marsha’s suggestion was to stay in bed in the morning before getting up for 10 minutes or so. This might be while snoozing or listening to the radio or whatever. What it helps you do is focus on what your intention is for the day and it creates some space to start off less franticly.
I tried it this morning.
I’m currently in Toronto on a 2 week project assisting a friend with some business and personal projects and these things have my mind racing. So while I felt at first that I wanted to get up straight away, I forced myself to remain in bed for that 10 minutes.
I was quickly rewarded for my efforts.
Quite naturally I slipped into a nice little meditation with no guidance at all. While I can’t say that I went deeply into a state of relaxation I can say that it was easier than I’d expected and felt great.
Thank you Marsha for the tip! I’ll be using this again tomorrow morning.
Day 18 More Guided Meditation
Tonight I listened to another guided mediation with a good friend in Toronto. I found this random 11 minute meditation was not as effective as the one that I usually use, or perhaps it’s just that my mind could not stop racing. When I’ve left the meditating until late in the day, I’ve sometimes found that I’ve given it less attention than it probably needs. I’ve found this to be true for the important tasks in a day or in life as well.
Get to those important things first to do them more effectively and to clear space in your mind for the other things.
So that’s what I’ll do.
On a side-note, here is a new video that I recently produced for the Calgary Chapter of CAPS – The Canadian Association of Professional Speakers. It encourages people to take the course that I took through the association that I took last year.
This “Fast Track” course was the best money I’ve ever invested in my professional development and I’m now on the committee to help with the delivery of this course for 2016. Contact me if you’d like some more information about how to apply to take this course.
Day 19 10 More Minutes of Meditation
The easiest way that I’ve found it is to keep going with a meditation challenge is to just search for “Guided Meditation” and the number of minutes you’d like to meditate for on YouTube. There are literally thousands of them and you can select whatever type of meditation you would like.
I’m finding it easier and easier to calm myself down and to start meditating now that I’m somewhat in a patter of doing so. Please keep in mind that this 30 day challenge is not happening every single day.
Tonight I enjoyed another 10 minute “focus” meditation from YouTube.
Day 20 Meditation Does Not Have to be a Challenge
Today I didn’t really do a “formal” meditation with a guide or anything too detailed. Instead, I just created some time to be alone and to focus on my breath. I didn’t resist thoughts that were coming in or dwell on them. I kept my eyes closed and relaxed. I stayed there, uninterrupted and it felt great.
Meditation does not have to be this big challenge (as I’ve certainly felt along this journey at times). It is something that can be eased into and that does in fact get easier with practice.