Here are my thoughts from Alforno Cafe in Calgary. Thanks to the suggestion a few days ago from Michael – a fellow video editor and new friend who appeared in my life just over a week ago – we produced this little 360 video.
360 video has become a part of my work and I host my content on a Facebook Page called, 360 Video Action and on my YouTube Channel. Once Micheal saw some of what 360 video can do, he suggested we have 3 versions of Tony in the same video to celebrate Day 100.
So that’s what we did. He very generously stitched these three videos into one so that we could create this fun, unique piece.
Take a look here to hear my thoughts, my thoughts and my thoughts on what this journey of meeting a new person every day has been like for the past 100 days and enjoy the 360 degree experience.
If you are enjoying what I’m creating, please follow along either here on my website by signing up for updates or on the @Talk2MorePeople Facebook page.
Tony Esteves is an international speaker, facilitator and performer who brings play back into the workplace. He is a published author, a 360 VR videographer and a member of Le Cirque de la Nuit – a Calgary based circus. Tony is currently working on his 1 year social experiment called,Talk2MorePeople. Connect with Tony for a meaningful face-to-face conversation.
Today, July 15th, 2016 is the 2 year anniversary of the passing of my father. In today’s Talk2MorePeople video I explain how I celebrate this with gratitude as I was fortunate to have had a great relationship with my father. He taught me my values, we worked together and we even took a trip to Brazil together once.
Thanks for the inspiration behind Talk2MorePeople Dad. I’ll keep meeting people, just the way you always did.
Tony Esteves is an international speaker, facilitator and performer who brings play back into the workplace. He is a published author, a 360 VR videographer and a member of Le Cirque de la Nuit – a Calgary based circus. Tony is currently working on his 1 year social experiment called,Talk2MorePeople. Connect with Tony for a meaningful face-to-face conversation.
Do you find that many of the people who connect with you online are often wasting your precious time? Do you build mental clutter by avoiding and skipping over emails from people who you really don’t want to meet with or talk to?
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to FLIP things so that more and more enjoyable, useful and interesting contacts came into your world?
There is.
It’s simple.
And it’s fun.
Talk to more people.
And do it face to face.
Yes there’s advanced search options online within LinkedIn, yes we can reach thousands of people now with Google Adwords or Facebook advertising, but are those techniques really working for all of us?
Have you ever invested in any of these very targeted forms of advertising, noticed your views go way up, only to have your click-throughs to your website or product page stay almost exactly the same? It happens, often.
The old-fashioned concept of talking to more people face to face is timeless and gaining in it’s importance as our society becomes so digitally connected. Jump on board before you get left behind.
Here’s the thing. We have so many digital ways to ‘connect’ with people these days that it’s become overwhelming, counter productive and sometimes even dangerous. This Guardian article addresses how another US State is attempting to legislate against “distracted walking”.
While these tools can be handy and effective, with option overload it’s very difficult for the business owner to know exactly what digital marketing tools to use when and how. I’ve heard many conflicting expert opinions.
I find that nowadays it’s easier to create a useful real-world connection with someone just by actually speaking to them in person. Yes, this takes some courage, but isn’t life supposed to be a bit scary?
Of course if you go out and just meet random people, they likely won’t be your target audience or client right off the bat, but if you can make this part of your regular routine – and you can – you will be pleasantly surprised at the opportunities that you uncover.
From time to time you will meet someone who is very much just the person who you were supposed to meet and connect with. You will hear yourself say things like, “Oh what a coincidence that we met”, or “I’m so pleased that I met you”, or as a recent new contact of mine stated, “I’ve never had a conversation like this before”.
It doesn’t matter that by meeting new people every day that many of them will not be ideal clients. This is because by doing this, you are flexing a very important and nowadays under-utilized social muscle of
connecting with new people.
You will benefit from this by being able to effortlessly strike up conversations with potential clients and customers in other settings down the road, not to mention the other social benefits that will come from being a better connector and listener. AND occasionally you will indeed meet exactly the right person at exactly the right time. So I say let’s put a spotlight on non-targeted marketing to see what we can create.
This is not discount the incredible value of the digital world of communication. I use it almost every day. I publish videos, tweet, like and share content all the time. I do get business from people who see what I’m up to online, but it’s not the predominant way that I promote myself. I do appreciate it when someone comments on something that I’ve published and I will be sharing this article digitally.
But the bottom line is that people need spend less time working the digital tools and invest more time and energy into our soft skills once again.
I am speaking from experience.
I’m currently experimenting with exactly this concept by intentionally meeting at least one new person every day for a full year through something I call the “Talk2MorePeople Project”. I am doing this to encourage other people to put down their devices at least once in a while and to approach and meet more people face to face to uncover possibilities.
What started as a 30 day challenge has evolved into a 365 day challenge and has been very worthwhile for me to date. I recently took this concept on tour with me to 4 countries in Europe. While there I:
met new, amazing people daily
had a surprise trip to France
booked new clients in Canada
had a lot of fun
got introduced to many new ideas
felt completely alive
It seems that the more I do this, the more amazing the scale of the opportunities that are coming up. Just yesterday I met a fellow on a train who may actually bring me to do some facilitation work in Bangladesh. Even if no actual work comes from the interaction, the new ideas about what I can offer internationally are of value to me. And just co-creating an offline conversation has value in itself.
There are many ways to get over the fear of approaching strangers and volumes have been written on the subject. From my life experience as well as the encounters through this project at this time I would like to offer this one practical tip.
To break the ice to meet a new person out there in public, just offer a genuine compliment.
This simple task will almost always open the door to small talk that can lead to bigger talk, that can lead to real talk. Try it. You won’t be disappointed. If it feels awkward or strange, congratulations, you are getting out of your comfort zone which means you are growing. You’ve got the courage to actually try this and you will succeed, if you keep at it.
How do you think you might you benefit from meeting and brining more people into your life on a regular basis?
Interested to experience more? Check out to learn about the T2MP 30 Day Challenge. Take it to change your life.
In Calgary this week? Join us at GetConnectedYYC with hosts Lynnell Ible and Tony Esteves to get connected in person with others who appreciate a good face-to-face conversation.
Now get out there and make some unexpected connections.
This 30 day challenge has evolved into a 365 day challenge. Details and daily updates of the adventures and encounters can be found on the following Facebook Page,
Go on, take the challenge.All you need to do is to meet a new person every day for 30 days. Check out how that enhances your life. You won’t be disappointed.
Tony Esteves is an international inspirational speaker and facilitator who brings play back into the workplace. A Professional Member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, he helps people use their Unexpected Connections and Creativity to move their careers and businesses forward. He is a published author, a videographer and a member of Le Cirque de la Nuit – a Calgary based circus. Connect with Tony for a meaningful face-to-face conversation.
Like a blur, the first several days of this challenge took place in beautiful Sestri Levante, Italy at the CREA Creativity Conference.
I was working as part of the logistics team know as “The Reds” while there and it was a very busy time. I was also one of the Expo Night Presenters with my “Strengthen Your Spin” workshop.
Despite this, I did indeed meet and talk to more people every day and here are the latest updates from that time.
Day 5 – Sestri Levante, Italy
During Day 5 of my Talk 2 More People challenge, I had a wonderful conversation with a new friend from Mexico. She told me how she likes to put her phone away sometimes for a day or two when away at conferences (as we are now).
A tip for those of you who are shy but would like to meet some new people:
Start by giving someone a genuine compliment. I find this is the simplest way not only to break the ice, but also to know that it’s a pretty low risk thing to do.
More tips and creativity to come…
Day 6 – Italy
On Day 6 of my 30 Day Challenge I met a new friend, Jeremie, who told me some amazing things about the wrestling culture in Senegal. He is a professor who lives in Tokyo and has studied martial arts extensively. That interview will come in the coming weeks.
Day 7 – Sestri Levante, Italy
Day 7 of the TTMP 30 day challenge. I met a fellow on the way to an event at the conference. I said hello to him in Italian which is all the Italian that I understand. He started speaking quickly in Italian until I said I couldn’t speak Italian.
Then he spoke to me in perfect English as he is from New York! We had a nice chat about the conference and creativity.
I find it interesting when traveling in Europe how it can be difficult to initially know where people are from. I’ve found it challenging at times to track someone down for this challenge due to language barriers but as today’s encounter it seems that challenge can be more self-imposed than factual at times.
Go on, take the challenge.All you need to do is to meet a new person every day for 30 days. Check out how that enhances your life. You won’t be disappointed.
TTMP 30 Day Challenge Coffee Card
Day 8. – Sestri Levante, Italy
Through the sessions and work here at the conference I met 3 new people today. It’s a very busy time so I only had a chance to really speak with two of the three – a very nice couple. He is from the USA and he is from France. It reminded me how important it is to slow down even when we think it is impossible to do so.
Day 9 – Sestri Levante, Italy
Day 9. I sat out of a session to rest a little and met the most wonderful person yesterday. We quickly found a way in our conversation to support each other professionally. It turns out that this individual, Patricia Flanagan designed the famous e3 building in Belfast, Ireland. We had a fascinating conversation and I’ll produce an interview from her in the coming weeks. Just fantastic!
Day 10 – Sestri Levante, Italy. CREA concludes
Day 10. Through a conversation with one of the leaders today at the conference, I was invited to stay at his house with his family in Paris. I’ve never been to France. I think I’ll do that one day! #Talk2MorePeople
Day 11 – Milano, Italy Eliandro
I met a Mexican fellow while at the airport in Milan. He too was flying to Barcelona, Spain. As I had a midnight to 7am layover there I thought it would be fun to see a part of Barcelona for the first time. He told me about a club that is famous for it’s Monday night party, “Apollo”. So I went, danced and had some fun before catching my 7am flight. Thanks Emiliano! That was much better than sleeping at the airport. Now I am in Malaga, Spain! @talk2morepeople
Day 12 – I’m going to France!
The greatest development from my T2MP movement came from a meeting 2 nights ago. I met a new friend and we really hit it off. Throughout the weekend we spoke about arrangements to meet again and decided to do a road trip in France! So I’ve extended my time in Europe by 5 days for me to visit this country for the first time. I believe that spontaneity is the spice of life and that this was just one of those opportunities that I couldn’t pass up.
Tony Esteves is an international inspirational speaker and facilitator who brings play back into the workplace. A Professional Member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, he helps people use their Unexpected Connections and Creativity to move their careers and businesses forward. He is a published author, a videographer and a member of Le Cirque de la Nuit – a Calgary based circus. Connect with Tony for a meaningful face-to-face conversation.
My initial for taking this trip to Europe was to get to where I’ve arrived today. In beautiful Sestri Levante on the Italian Riviera near Genoa, Italy. I am quite fortunate to be here here taking part in and presenting at the annual CREA Creativity Conference. This is where I will be based for the next 8 days.
I’m pleased to admit that this TTMP challenge has already turned out differently than I’d expected in these early days. The greatest new thing that I’m finding is that it’s a very different experience approaching new people in Europe compared to Canada. This has a lot to do with the language differences. In every place that I’ve been on this trip so far, I’ve never known until I started speaking to the individual what their native tongue was. This has proven to be amusing and challenging as well.
Here are the updates from Days 2, 3 and 4 of this 30 day challenge.
Day 2 – Southwest England
While visiting friends for the first time in years is not the best time to go out of your way to talk to more people. I was most interested in catching up with my friends and not so keen to just randomly meet others. But honouring the challenge, I did so. On this day, I met a woman in a doll house shop in the small town of Whitchurch, England. In our discussion I learned that there are 3 main scales of dollhouses. Interesting.
Day 3 – Milano, Italy
Today I met 4 Italians in Milano. One of the women immediately admitted to me that she’s addicted to her smartphone. The reason for this is because of a sense of not wanting to miss out on things that are happening with far away friends or friends in other countries. I could understand her point. We all had a nice talk.
I explained the challenge to them and they took the challenge cards. The same card below that can be downloaded, printed, and used as an excuse for you to approach a new person…
TTMP 30 Day Challenge Coffee Card
Day 4 – Sestri Levante, Italy
I’ve finally arrived at my primary destination for this trip. I’m in Sestri Levante on the coast just east of Genoa, Italy. This week it’s the annual CREA creativity conference that I’ve been wanting to attend for years. I’m hear to help out with the conference logistics as part of the “Red Jackets” team and to deliver a presentation. Everybody here has been wonderful so far and the weather is sensational.
My TTMP conversation was with another participant from the conference, Thomas. He spoke to me about a dance movement where people are celebrating going to raves while NOT on drugs. I think this is a superb idea and I was happy to learn more about it.
This week will be quite busy with the conference however I will continue to document stories from at least one new person who I meet every day.
Does this sound interesting yet?
Go on, take the challenge.All you need to do is to meet a new person every day for 30 days. Check out how that enhances your life. You won’t be disappointed.
Tony Esteves is an international inspirational speaker and facilitator who brings play back into the workplace. A Professional Member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, he helps people use their Unexpected Connections and Creativity to move their careers and businesses forward. He is a published author, a videographer and a member of Le Cirque de la Nuit – a Calgary based circus. Connect with Tony for a meaningful face-to-face conversation.
I can usually sleep on flights, but unfortunately not this one. Although the direct flight from Calgary to London – Gatwick was comfortable, I was unable to rest much at all. This was just fine however due to the enjoyable conversation with the two people next to me. We chatted on and off throughout the flight and shared many laughs.
Once finally in central London I had several hours to spend before meeting some old friends. I took this opportunity to have a walking tour through Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben and the South Bank.
As this 30 day challenge has now officially started, I met several people along the way. Interestingly, there are less people who speak English in central London than I remembered from when I lived here in 2000.
I got to have good chats with some dancers, a gymnast, and a family while visiting these sights. The dancing in this video was after their show. I asked permission to use some video of their work in my video and they greatly appreciated the free publicity. Perhaps one day this little video could help them find an opportunity? Who knows?
@Talk2MorePeople Try this challenge! Instructions are below today’s video.
Are you interested in getting involved? It’s pretty simple. Here’s how:
Decide on a date to start this challenge. The sooner you decide to start, the more likely you will be to actually start.
Simply approach and meet someone new in your day-to-day activities every day for 30 days. If it suits you better, you can meet 30 people over the course of the 30 days and not every single day.
Keep track of this either on your own, with the downloadable and printable TTMP 30 Day Challenge Coffee Card (below) or with any of the below social media.
When appropriate, invite those who you meet to take the challenge as well.
If you would like to share your experience, please join us on any of the below social media:
The home base for this during the month of April will be on the Talk2MorePeople Facebook Page. I will be posting videos there from England, Italy, Spain and Canada this month.
Go ahead! Print this wallet sized card, fill it out and enjoy the opportunities you create by meeting new people.
Tony Esteves is an international inspirational speaker and facilitator who brings play back into the workplace. A Professional Member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, he helps people use their Unexpected Connections and Creativity to move their careers and businesses forward. He is a published author, a videographer and a member of Le Cirque de la Nuit – a Calgary based circus. Connect with Tony for a meaningful face-to-face conversation.
Would you like more of any of these things in your life?
New friendships
New business leads
Complete unexpected connections
New opportunities personally and professionally
More laughter
More self-confidence
And excuse to bring more good people into your life
New romance
New ideas
Improved creative abilities
If so, then you need to take the “TTMP” (Talk To More People) 30 Day Challenge.
I’ve experienced many wonderful developments both personally and professionally as a result both of doing 30 day challenges and through talking to more people. So with the help of some wise colleagues, I’ve come up with this. Check it out.
From April 7th to May 6th, 2016 I will meet at least one new person every day and encourage them to start their own TTMP 30 Day Challenge. The purpose of this is to illustrate how easily we can create positive new relationships and opportunities when we just TALK TO MORE PEOPLE.
This 30 day challenge will span at least 4 countries and will be documented by video and on this blog.
I’ve been doing this for years and am now seeking other people to get involved to join in the opportunity cultivation.
Are you interested in getting involved? It’s pretty simple. Here’s how:
Decide on a date to start this challenge. The sooner you decide to start, the more likely you will be to actually start.
Simply approach and meet someone new in your day-to-day activities every day for 30 days. If it suits you better, you can meet 30 people over the course of the 30 days and not every single day.
Keep track of this either on your own, with the downloadable and printable TTMP 30 Day Challenge Coffee Card (below) or with any of the below social media.
When appropriate, invite those who you meet to take the challenge as well.
If you would like to share your experience, please join us on any of the below social media:
The home base for this during the month of April will be on the Talk2MorePeople Facebook Page. I will be posting videos there from England, Italy, Spain and Canada this month.
Go ahead! Print this wallet sized card, fill it out and enjoy the opportunities you create by meeting new people.
Tony Esteves is an international inspirational speaker and facilitator who brings play back into the workplace. A Professional Member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, he helps people use their Unexpected Connections and Creativity to move their careers and businesses forward. He is a published author, a videographer and a member of Le Cirque de la Nuit – a Calgary based circus. Connect with Tony for a meaningful face-to-face conversation.
The incredible physical experience I had in today’s video is a direct result of just speaking to some new people in a coffee shop. When friendly people meet friendly people and OPT In to the conversation amazing things can occur.
In my case, I got introduced to an amazing fitness community that I’ll join and participate actively in weekly. The group is called, “The November Project” and is a free fitness movement with active groups in 30 cities worldwide. It just so happened that the co-founder from the US – Brogan Graham – was in my coffee shop and he and I got to chatting. I was invited to join a free workout at 6.13am the next morning. While I’m not a regular gym user and have never been up before 8am to workout, I said yes.
I’ve needed more physical activity in my life for months now and this fun, energetic group is the perfect fit for me.
Get out there and TALK TO MORE PEOPLE. In this modern digitally ‘super-connected’ world the best way to really connect, is just to have a face-to-face conversation.
These conversations can dramatically improve and shape your life and work experience.
Tony Esteves is an international inspirational speaker and facilitator who brings play back into the workplace. A Professional Member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, he helps people use their Unexpected Connections and Creativity to move their careers and businesses forward. He is a published author, a videographer and a member of Le Cirque de la Nuit – a Calgary based circus. Connect with Tony for a meaningful face-to-face conversation.
I don’t want to ever suggest that you push too hard against the grain in life or business. However, if you know that you are on the path to your own greatness because you are following your passion, there can be great benefits, if you just keep going.
Full disclosure here: My business is just over 4 years old and is finally starting to earn me a living. Had I known in 2012 when I got started just how much work it would take to actually earn a living as a keynote speaker and presenter, I would never have signed up.
It was my ignorance and the feeling that, “I’m talented, so it will all just happen quickly for me” that kept me going. And while I can see now that I was right in one regard – I’ve got some talent – I really had NO IDEA about the sacrifices I’d have to make to get to where I am today. And I consider myself now, 4 years in to be at the beginning.
Today would have been my dear old Dad’s 80th birthday. On this journey there have been times of self-doubt, depression, anxiety and even despair. Having unstable income can be very stressful. Several months ago during one particularly low point, with tears streaming down my face, I held onto his ashes and asked out loud, “Dad, what should I do?”. And almost instantly I heard the answer:
“Just keep going”.
It was as if my late father was really speaking to me. Or maybe it was my unconscious mind, or some other form of divine insight. Whatever it was, I got the message, and I kept going. I like to think that the message came from Dad. After all, it is something that he said in life too.
So now that I am at what I consider to be the beginning – the beginning of reaching larger audiences, the beginning of being truly focussed on my purpose, the beginning of helping more people – I’d like to share this VIDEO about how important it can be to just keep going. Enjoy.
Tony Esteves is an international inspirational speaker and facilitator who brings play back into the workplace. A Professional Member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, he helps people use their Unexpected Connections and Creativity to move their careers and businesses forward. He is a published author, a videographer and a member of Le Cirque de la Nuit – a Calgary based circus. Connect with Tony for a meaningful face-to-face conversation.
Are you looking for more adventure in your life? Check out the upcoming Thailand Creativity Campand join us for a life-changing experience in April 2016.