Welcome to the Talk2MorePeople community. Here you can share your story of how a conversation with a stranger had a positive impact on you. You will also discover further resources on how to end loneliness and can connect with other good people.

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Welcome to the Talk2MorePeople Community where you can bring new opportunities, experiences and people into your life.  

Please watch the brief video to the right to learn more about what is possible now that you have landed here. If you have a story about how meeting a stranger had a positive impact on your life, please send it to stories at Talk2MorePeople.com or fill out the form below and we can share it on this page for you.

While we build this community, stay fully up to date by registering for the Talk2MorePeople Tips newsletter at the bottom of this page.

Your Talk2MorePeople Stories

Submit a story for the Talk2MorePeople Community. Please enter your details and media below. You do not have to share your contact information publicly.

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  • Please upload your audio file/voice memo and/or up to 2 phots/images (max 10mb)
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, aac, wav, mp3.
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Your stories:

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